GATOR EXPERIENCE is owner and operator of Gator Beach, The World's Greatest Alligator Park. It is one of several sister Companies to the famous FUDPUCKER'S BEACHSIDE BAR & GRILL, with Gator Beach actually located directly in front of (and, a little underneath) it. Gator Beach has been in operation for over twenty years while Fudpucker's is celebrating its 43rd Anniversary this year, making both of them historical landmarks in the city of Destin, Florida (well, they may not actually be registered as historical landmarks, but they've been there for a long time and everyone pretty much knows where they are... so there!).
One of Gator Experience's partners is a former Army Green Beret who has over thirty years of experience working with, taking care of and even wrestling live alligators. More importantly, he brings with him the elevated understanding of how to train people from his years as a Green Beret, the World's Foremost Training Organization (and, if you don't believe me, look it up). As a result of this partner's background and focus, Gator Beach has the most advanced training program of any animal park anywhere, as well as the most advanced training program of any other business in the Florida Panhandle (other than Fudpucker's... which actually benefits from the same guy overseeing its training program).
So, when you come to work at Gator Experience, this is what you'll get:
- Receive the Best Training Available Anywhere:
- Learn everything imaginable about alligators and their habitats...
- Develop LIFE SKILLS that you'll take with you through the rest of your life!
- Receive Automatic Wage Increases with completion of each Level of our Multi-Level Training System.
- Great Wages and Benefits:
- Receive Performance Based Rewards
- Receive "Summer Retention" Bonus Payments (but ya gotta at least stay all summer)
- Receive Vacation if you stay for at least one year
- Receive Sick Leave if you join management and get a salary
- Enjoy Access to Health Insurance Benefits
- Enjoy Employee Health and Well-Being Support Programs
- Get 50% Discount on Food and Free Soda & Tea at Fudpucker's When You Work (and even more discounts on merchandise, food, & drinks when you are not working)
- Take Advantage of Several Different Employment Opportunities:
- Career Advancement Opportunities, or...
- Seasonal and Part-Time Work (if that's all you want... that's okay, too)
- Enjoy a Family Oriented Environment:
- Majority of customers are in families and bring their children to Gator Beach and Fudpucker's
- Multi-Generation Customer Base (Grandparents who had been here as kids return with their grandkids)
- Join a Strong and Enduring Employee Culture
- A Core Staff with Decades of Employee Tenure
- Lots of Parties (Employee Appreciation, End-of-Season, Christmas... well, you get the idea)
- You will Make Life-Long Friends (GUARANTEED!)
- Be good and become a Fudpucker VIP (Very Important Pucker)
- Access to Managers and Owners who actually "listen" to Employees (well... most of the time, anyway)
- Locally Owned & Operated (i.e. this isn't one of those "BIG" corporations)
- Join thousands of employees who came before and continue to return...
- Be part of a Fixture in this Area's History and (if you want) meet the founders and owners of the Company (they're okay...)
- Help Support meaningful stuff:
- Animal Conservation (specifically... Alligators)
- Make-A-Wish Foundation
- Local School Systems (Field Trips and Honor Roll Awards)
- Off-Site Gator Shows for elderly, conservation and school destinations
- Arts Programs and Other Non-Profit Organizations
- Last, but not least, You'll be at the Home of the WORLD FAMOUS FUDPUCKER T-SHIRT
- So... You'll Get a Free Fud T-Shirt When You're Hired (...and, for some, that may be the best thing of all :)
...So! What are you waiting for? If you've read this far, you might as well apply (..just do it).
Company Website: